








Site by Mark Koenig Media
 (C)2022 BEO Entertainment

Brian O'Neal and the BusBoys

Ladies, gentlemen, friends and fans - - 2022 brings the ever present, inspirational, hot Rock, Roll & Soul of The BusBoys back to center stage. The band that has been called the most exciting, original live act in Rock and Roll have relit their blazing, amazing career, fire balling it into hot, new music.

The new single “Love On My Mind” is being released on Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2022. The song and the video are an expression of Rock, Roll & Soul love, played and sung in classic, high energy, big fun, BusBoys’ style. “We’ve all had challenges over the last few years.” Says Brian. “This is a musical burst of love, hope and fun.”
Brian O’Neal and The BusBoys are releasing “In My Heart,” their first full album in years, in 2022. The first single “Civil Rights” was released on July 4th, 2020. The composition’s theme is about the original, American civil right written into the Declaration of Independence - - “that all men (mankind) are created equal.” Song can be downloaded on iTunes, streaming on Apple Music or streamed on Amazon music.

The “Civil Rights” song and video are fast paced, musical and visual expressions of the history of America’s challenging and uneven pursuit of its ideals, with the band performing with the energy and conviction for which they are famous.

The third single “In My Heart,” is due to be released in the 2022. It is reminiscent of 60’s social consciousness, acoustic guitars and vocal harmonies shining across the sea of our times. “I realized after the song was done that its inspiration lies in the lessons on life I learned from my parents as a child,” says Brian. “They were lifelong educators and were highly involved with civil rights and social justices for all Americans. Their committed pursuit used the powers of education, persistence, protest and love with unrelenting laser focus - - emphasis on the Love.”

The band is currently completing the last tracks for the “In My Heart” record. With a sly smile, Brian comments, “We are, like the rest of the world, thrilled to get back to doing what we do.” The BusBoys will also be preparing for filmed concerts and for the day that live performances return to the world stage.

Most of The BusBoys catalogue is available on their site via the Store Tab.
“The Boys Are Back In Town" CD, featuring songs from the film classic "48 HRS." that are still full of authentic fun and excitement.
"Minimum Wage Rock and Roll," the music from The BusBoys’ debut effort, is there at affordable pricing, re-mastered to play full blast into your digital world. “American Worker,” and “Money Don’t Make No Man,” the band’s second and third records respectively, are also available.
Friend us on Facebook at, @busboys (Twitter) @the realbusboys (Instagram) let us know what you think of what you’ve seen so far. There are new and vintage pictures, plus special, updates and videos. Our Twitter handle is @busboys, our Instagram is @therealbusboys.

For our Ghostbusters followers we want to call your attention to the documentary “Cleanin’ Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters.” As you may know, The BusBoys were nominated for a Grammy for the song “Cleanin’ Up The Town” from the original Ghostbusters film and soundtrack. Brian’s interview is insightful and accompanies other contributors to the film. You can get updated information on the film at

We recommend fans take a look at the documentary “Freeway City.” It tells the story of Southern California’s City of Gardena, where Brian and many of the original members of The BusBoys grew up and went to school. The film was Directed and Produced by British filmmaker Max Votolato, with Brian acting as Executive Producer and Soundtrack Composer. View the film free at

Good things come to those who wait and "We've been waitin' for a long time - -"

The BusBoys continue to serve fine Rock, Roll and Soul into the 21st Century. Thanks for the support and stay tuned!